Special Finale Post !
Days by days passed. And now,the day had come. Yes,the day that we have to submit our blog URL to the contest coordinators. It had been a wonderful time, conducting our campaign to everyone. We had a very great time promoting our campaign which at the same time, boosted up our confidence, gave us chances to make new friends and of course, helped us and people to lend a hand in the effort of conserving orangutans. We have been through thick and thin together,as a team, strong one.
We would like to take this golden opportunity to express our utmost gratitude to several people that have been supporting us from the moment we start till now:
1)Our teachers a.k.a our advisors, Madam Dyuhiza Anwar, Madam Hasneeyah Ismail and Madam Eliza Majid for giving us the permission to start the campaign and of course,for being with us all the way till today. Thanks a lot,teachers!
2)Our schoolmates for giving the best collaboration while we were conducting our campaign.
3)Our parents who keep on boosting our spirit throughout this campaign.
4)And thanks to WWF and other organizations that has anything to do with this blog contest for giving us a chance to help save the Orangutans. Not only we did that, we also learned new things through out this whole thing, friendships and hardships.
5)Last but of course,not the least,YOU. Yes,our supporters for being our strength throughout the campaign, who keep on supporting all our activities. Thanks. Thanks. and Thanks.
We've done the best we could promoting this campaign to the community out there. The result has quite gotten accross, considering the limited time we had. However, our campaign would definitely not end here as there're more activities that we planned but the time does not give a green light. InsyaAllah,we will carry the activities as our spirit will never die.
Once again, we would like to thank all the people that support us in many ways. We would never succeed the campaign without your help. Thank a lot :)
Poster Drawing Contest
We began our first activity by conducting a poster drawing contest in hopes that it would promote awareness. We created a notice announcing our competition. The contest is open to Form 1 and Form 2 students of our school. This is due to our activities clashing with the PMR and SPM examinations. Form 3, 4 and 5 pupils are not encouraged to join in our activities for fear of disrupting their studies.
The notice we created.
We went around the school and posted the notice to increase awareness of our contest. While we were doing so, a few teachers came over and asked what we were doing. We explained about our campaign and they smiled and gave us words of encouragement.
Our competition allows the contestants ample time to create their artwork. They will create a poster promoting our campaign and send them in to us, The Saviours Crew for evaluation. We will then choose the top three posters and give prizes to the winners.
Opening Ceremony
The backdrop used during the ceremony |
We held our opening ceremony on Monday, 11th October. It was held on a later date due to a few ceremonies being held at our school, but we made it in the end. It was organised at Dewan Taklimat, SMK Dato' Ahmad Maher. The students participating consisted of Form 2 students of our school.
The ceremony was inaugurated by our PK Ko, Mdm. Hjh Dyuhiza Anwar by signing our official board and then our ceremony commenced.
We started off by explaining about orangutans and their endangered condition. We elaborated on 'Why the Orangutans are endangered', 'Who did this to them' and also 'How us students are capable of lending our support to the Orangutans'.
The ceremony was inaugurated by our PK Ko, Mdm. Hjh Dyuhiza Anwar by signing our official board and then our ceremony commenced.
Our official board |
We started off by explaining about orangutans and their endangered condition. We elaborated on 'Why the Orangutans are endangered', 'Who did this to them' and also 'How us students are capable of lending our support to the Orangutans'.
Kinah giving a brief explanation about our blog |
Dirah, handling the computer |
We took turns handling the computer as well as presenting our speech. We made sure that our audience was given a chance to hear out each of our voices.
Our blog, shown on the screen |
The blog presentation was a success and the students' attentions were captured.
Students comparing the notes they took during our presentation |
We inserted a few jokes in our presentation to lighten up the mood |
A few teachers also attended |
The students enjoyed our presentation |
Ayu answering a students question |
The students gave their full attention |
The Winners!
First prize went to Siti Nur Farhana from 2 Biruni. The use of watercolours increased her poster's attractiveness. Her poster truly did capture our attention. She received a 5 out of 5 for her creativity.
First prize went to Siti Nur Farhana from 2 Biruni. The use of watercolours increased her poster's attractiveness. Her poster truly did capture our attention. She received a 5 out of 5 for her creativity.
Siti Nur Farhana, the WINNER of the poster drawing contest |
Rosyamiza from class 2 Sina came in second place. Rosyamiza used dark colours to highlight her poster. Her drawing was also very well drawn.
Rosyamiza, first runner up of the poster contest |
Third place was won by Nur Anis from 2 Zahrawi. Anis sketched her poster and we took marks off for that. Her poster, though not coloured, was drawn elegantly and she received high marks for her skill in drawing. Unfortunately, she was absent that day and a representative accepted her prize for her.
Nur Anis, second runner-up of the contest (the student above is a representative) |
Consolation Winners
Below are the consolation winners. Their posters were also skillfully drawn. Congratulations to all the winners!
Apart from the poster contest, we also gave prizes to people who had sent in their very own poetry about orangutans.
Sharida from class 2 Nafis sent in a wonderful poetry specially done by her |
Last but certainly not least, we gave permission to the students to sign on our board. We received a large number of signatures and by the end of the ceremony, our board was filled with signatures from students who showed their support
The chairs set up for the pupils of SK Ismail 2 |
On 13th October 2010, we came in advance to prepare a few things for the comfort of the student. The chairs were rearranged and we decorated the prizes we planned to give to the winning students for the day after.
Preparing for the programme |
And on 14th October 2010, a few of us went to the front gate and escorted the pupils towards Dewan Taklimat, where the programme would be held.
The pupils of Sk Ismail 2 being led to our school |
The teachers from SK ISmail 2 |
The students following Anis towards the meeting place |
The pupils participating were first asked to register themselves before they were allowed into the programme. Ika gave directions to the pupils entering the hall to register before sitting down in their seats.
Registration of the pupils |
Ayu managing to take a picture before the programme began |
After each pupil had settled down into their seats, we began our programme. We introduced ourselves and explained to them about our campaign. Then, we enlightened them with information about orangutans. We hinted that these information would be useful in the quiz later on.
Dirah giving out an explanation |
They took notes during our session and listened to our every word. A few pupils even asked a few questions to increase their understanding about orangutans.
The pupils are listening to our talk. |
Besides explaining about orangutans, we also showed the pupils our blog and told them how the use of blogs is very useful in spreading and documenting information for the public's view.
Our blog was shown on screen |
Checking their notes |
We also provided a few funny videos for the pupils, so that they don't get bored. It worked and squeals of laughter filled the room during the video show.
Laughing as they saw the funny videos |
We then split the students into groups of 5 and asked them to create a short play. The winning team would receive prizes and the students were all eager to perform. 15 minutes were given to the students to discuss their play.
Discussing their play |
Jotting down ideas |
Their plays were witty and extremely funny. They were also very interesting and informative. All in all, the programme was a success and everyone enjoyed it.
The visit to the Orphanage Puteri Harapan
Taman Sabariah

Our Campaign For Form 1 Students
Thursday,14 October 2010-Our team held a conserving orangutan campaign for the second time.This Programme were held at SMK Dato, Ahmad Maher in Dewan Raja Abdullah.This Programme involving the students from Form 1 Ibn Sina and 1 Omar Khayyam.The sum number of students who participated was 66 students altogether.They were divided into 6 groups.Each groups have 10 to 12 students.We also invited four facilitators from our own class,Nur Fazlin,Nur Nabihah,Nur Amalin and Fathihah Amila.
our preparation |
For your information,before the programme started,we faced a lot of problem but thanks to Allah,we managed to overcome the problem with the help from many side including our school's teacher.Special thanks to Mr Zaki for managing the projector,Mr Azmi for managing the microphones,Mr Fahmi for lending his video cam and last but not least, our senior, Muhammad Syahir from form 3 students for managing the loud speaker.The programme were started at 11:30 am.Our MC,Nur Amanina began the programme by calling Mr Ismail Bin Jaafar,sery Of Co-Curriculum and Tuan Khairuddin bin Tuan Ahmad Sulong to inaugurate the programme.Then,Mr were invited to give a short speech about our activities.Next,we went straight to our programme.
The first session were handled by Athirah from 12:00 pm until 12:30 pm.She was in-charged to give a talk about the facts of orangutans.To make the session more,there also had a spirit clap(tepuk semangat) from the help of our volunteers,Muhammad Zafran and Muhammad Ridhwan.All the students give a good support to our programme.they enjoyed it very much.
After that,we also exposed with our report on the recent activities, by Nur Syafiqah from 12:30 pm until 1.00:pm through our blog.Beside That,poster drawing competition was also held at 1.00 pm until 1.30 pm and the prizes were waiting for the winners.This session were handled by Ameera Azra.Each group must produced two posters about orangutan.From this session we can saw their team work to produced the posters.Each group work hand in hand to complete their work.
After the poster competition we also had a quiz session.It was handled by Nur Hazwani and Raja nur Amni Adilin.The were 5 questions altogether.This session were held until 1:45 pm before we go through the prize giving session.the winners of the poster competition was from group 4.The second prizes was from group 1 and the third prizes was from group 3.In a nutshell,we took some pictures of all the participants.Thanks to the participants for lending your ear,eye,hands and mouth.Not forgotten also to the participants for your cooperation and patience along the program were held.Thank you very much.:)
To promote our campaign even more, we designed bookmarks engraved with our blog's URL and spread it around the school, with hopes of promoting our blogs. We moved from class to class giving out the free bookmarks.
A few of the bookmarks |
In 5 different colours |
We also gave out the bookmarks to the teachers. Including the teachers, we used our bookmarks in our campaigns and gave them out to the students attending our campaign. A few students even tried to ask for more than one bookmark because they thought the bookmarks were beautiful.
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The templates that we distributed to all the people |